The Success Principles Review

          The Success Principles is a book written by Jack Canfield  and published in 2006. He offers 67 practical and inspiring principles to get any inspiring peoples from where they are to where they want to be.

          These are review that I have read from chapter 1 "Fundamental of success" and chapter 2 "Transform yourself into success".

1. The Fundamental of Success

Responsibility is the key. Blaming something from outside of yourself for parts of your life you don’t like is just a disruptive strategy to avoid the real problems. You are directly responsible for the quality of your life.

“If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.” - John Canfield

How can we do that? We may start by giving up all your excuses, daring to make changes in your life and daring to say NO. Assuming the consequences of our decisions and adjusting our expectations. We have to give up blaming or complaining about everything.

A great sculptor once said: “You have to try to climb very high if you want to get very far.” And climbing very high means live your own dream, stop settling for less than you want, dare to have your own “wants” list, realistically design your ideal life and do not allow anyone to swerve out of the way.

Because it’s only up to you to believe it is possible. Starting with Napoleon Hill’s approach: “You can be everything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith.”

This means that to get to “believing it’s possible”, you have, first of all, to start to believe in yourself. You don’t need a college degree to do that. And other people’s opinion should be less important. What you really need is to achieve it as an attitude and erase from your vocabulary disruptive phrases as “I CAN’T”.

2. First Step To Success

1.   Sticking yourself with successful people
    Action is the key. Time shouldn’t be wasted. So, join a professional association and attend to professional conferences. Attend lecture, symposia, courses, seminar whatever you think it may lead you to growth.

2. Acknowledge your positive past
    Our brain seems to remember events that are related to strong emotions. Jack Canfield says:“The sad truth is that we all have many more victories than failures. It’s just that we set the pressure too high for what we call a success.”

3. Keep your eye on the prize and keep yourself focused on the positive by having an evening review and daily success focus journal.

4. Clean up your messes and your incompletes by making space for something new and eliminate what is holding you back from achieving what you want.
“When we don’t throw away clutter and items we no longer need, it’s as if we don’t trust our ability to manifest the necessary abundance in our lives to buy new ones.”

5. Complete the past to embrace the future by defining yourself on the stages of the Total Truth and dare to start writing the Total Truth Letter.

6. Stay Motivated with the Masters.

7. Fuel Your Success with Passion and Enthusiasm

Success begins with you as long as you are willing to leave the door open to it.
“Don’t waste years of your life. Decide that you are capable of doing anything you want and start working toward it now.”

Reference : 
  • Canfield, J., & Switzer, J. (2006). The success principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be. New York: Harper Resource Book.


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